Real-time air quality
monitoring solutions

We provide scalable tools that empower you to manage outdoor air quality with ease.

Transforming air quality monitoring at

Our solutions

We collect air quality measurement data

Get accurate data on a wide range of pollutants with our scalable, cost-effective iNose sensors. Complement this with odour reports from employees and surrounding communities, plus external data from existing sensor solutions.

  • Real-time air quality anomalies
  • Accurate measurement of key pollutants
  • AI sensor identifies 28 additional gases and VOCs
  • Community odour feedback
  • External data integration
  • Real-time air quality anomalies
  • Accurately measure key pollutants
  • AI sensor detects over 28 gases
  • Community odour feedback
  • External data integration

...and transform it into actionable insights

Collecting large amounts of data is easy. Making sense of it and understanding its implications is not. Our Qweriu Cloud platform transforms raw data into automated insights, taking care of pattern recognition and data analytics, so you don’t have to.

  • Visualise real-time and historical data
  • Automated incident analysis
  • Predictive modelling
  • Easy odour complaint handling
  • Smart alerts


Tailored solutions for every sector

About Qweriu

We’ve got a nose for air quality monitoring

We recognise the complex ecosystem in which our clients operate, where maintaining a balance between corporate responsibilities, government regulations, and community expectations is crucial.

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